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Author Visit with Dr. Michael Fine

Author Visit with Dr. Michael Fine In-Person

Michael Fine has released a new book of short stories entitled, The Jewish Prince of Denmark. This book includes stories about Jews and non-Jews, living together in a confusing world and trying to find a way to continue to do so, in a world that keeps changing, collapsing in on itself, the ground changing under everyone’s feet. Stories about endless heartbreak, small choices, small acts, small ideas, simple decencies, the way people take care of one another, people who live in the shadow of the valley of death but persevere.

The program will include a reading of a short story or two, and then Dr. Fine will open the floor to questions and discussions.

Please register below.

Michael Fine is the author of numerous books - On Medicine as Colonialism, Rhode Island Stories, The Bull and Other Stories, Health Care Revolt, and Abundance. He is also a doctor and a healthcare activist. Patrons will gain an understanding of the world and the complexity of the people in it through story. Lively discussion will stimulate the mind and build community among attendees.


Tuesday, August 13, 2024
5:00pm - 6:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
The Friends Room
  Adults > Author Visits  
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